MMMMmmmmmmm ....something to ponder on!!What dictates my pursuing God? My need for an answer? my problems to be solved? Who do I see God as?
When we believe God for something for example, breakthrough in finances, healing or even salvation for a loved one, we get into gear or we hype ourselves with prayers, fasting, Bible reading and more prayers....sometimes God comes through for us and other times it seems like God has gone silent on us and we become disappointed.Why do we do all the gearing up?? Probably because someone shared that that was the way they received their answer and we assume that that's the way it's going to work for us. When our answers don't come through, are we still hyped up to continue with our prayers or do we slacken off because we think it's not going to change?
Does my perspective of God change when my prayers aren't answered the way I want them answered? If that is the case, then it means my emotions and my situations dictate how and when I serve God.They also dictate my perspective of God.
For this sort of thinking not to occur, I believe there needs to be a shift in mindsets so that I do not view God as a problem solver but as GOD! A MIGHTY, OMNIPRESENT, ALL KNOWING GOD! This AWESOME God longs to have intimate fellowship with me and if all I can think of is getting my problems solved, I'm missing the point. My focus in coming to God should always be to enjoy Him and to experience His presence.
Isaiah 40:12-31