Monday, March 24

Bought at a price

Do you not are not your own? 1 Cor.6:19

It's such a delight to feed on His Word this morning. To be able to open another wrapper- just unwrapping this single truth in 1 Cor.6:19, I'm so excited and tempted in wanting to unwrap more but I know I need to stop and to chew on a bit at a time.

Thank you Lord for buying me, more like rescuing me from the shop of sinfulness. You've bought me therefore I am Yours. My condition was dusty, dirty, and broken-yet whilst being in that state You bought me because You knew that there was someone/something precious under all that filth! While I was still a sinner, You died for me.

Thank You for the AWESOME price-Your Blood, which makes me look so brand new and the beautiful robe of righteousness that I have on today. Father, I know that You're still shaping me out of my deformities. Please continue to mold me into what You really want me to be. My life is not my own.

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