Saturday, April 19


For the last two weeks my students have been researching about War heroes- who they are, what they did and why we remember them. This week we looked at symbols that represent these heroes. I was fascinated by the insightful discussion and the different connections being made. We discussed how symbols represent and trigger memories and how some of these memories shape the identity of an individual.

One student brought in a certificate that belonged to his grandma who had served in the war. From that symbol, he began to share stories that was passed on to him. Another student shared that whenever he sees a roller coaster, he remembers that horrible feeling of his first ride.

At the end of our session, students reflected on what they had learned. I can still see that spark in the young boy's eyes who said ' Oh now I get it, memories are important because without them, we won't know or understand who we are.' MMmmmmm..........:)

I reflected on the discussions in class this week and thought, there are symbols all around me that represent my Lord's faithfulness, love and goodness.

The symbol of the cross speaks volume of what has been done for me and who I am now. When I see the cross, I remember the great sacrifice- the agonising pain that He endured , the tears in His eyes - because I was on His mind, the unconditional love that has been shown and is still being shown towards me and the open door back to my Father.
Because of that, my identity has been changed.

Thank you Daddy.

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