Sunday, June 22

He alone can change situations.

Can I take a moment of your busy schedule to share something that happened to me at work this was God revealing His faithfulness!!! Let me take you back........

When we started the year, I was told that the new boy joining my class was a problem kid. According to his previous school reports, he was a difficult child, did not do work- defiant and rude. I argued because I had another boy who also had similar problems already in my class. All you could hear about these boys were negative comments. To cut the long story short.......they gave me headaches at the beginning of the year...

Well, I decided to PRAY for them each day. I knew that I could not change them and no one else could except the ONE who created them. He could mould that heart of stone into a heart of flesh!!!! Over the last few months everyone had been commenting on how these boys had changed!PRAISE THE LORD! So fast forward to this week Wednesday......

Just before our Maths session started, one of these boys kept on begging me to make very important announcement to the class. I said to him 'make it quick-2 minutes only'. He got everyone in class to sit down then he made his speech. His little speech was: Miss, I want to tell you have been a really good teacher to me. I've made something for you to say thank you (it was a mini hat)- please put it on'. The class erupted with a clap!!! We were all shocked with his speech because it was unexpected. It almost brought me to tears because here was someone who woud refuse to listen nor do any work at the beginning of the year and now he blended in with everyone else.

After school, I had a surprise visit from the mum, her comment was I don't know what you've done to my boy but he is not the same person anymore!!! Thank you!He even said to the mum ,he wants to go to church now!

When she left, I said to the Lord, that comment and the speech given today was not mine but Yours because You're faithful!!! It was You who changed them not me!

This AWESOME God, is indeed faithful!!! A God who answers prayers!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh! wow! how touching. I just had tears on my eyes, it is so wonderful and I know, It's thru GOD and only GOD can make things happens and do miracles.

Anonymous said...

Such an awesome testimony....Praise God for that.

Russian Gal said...

Amen!!!Yes only him and him alone can change situation even in circumstances where our human minds cannot comprehend,Our God is abale to surpases all that and prove to us that nothing is impossible to him...Thank you lord...