The Israelites were instructed to walk silently around Jericho 7 times. Joshua gave instructions and they all shouted, the walls came crumbling down!
It may seem strange walking silently around the city wall but this was a walk of faith. Lessons learnt from this chapter and why their plan was successful:
- Faith- they did not question the orders but just followed the plan
- Obedience-they followed the plan exactly
- Courage- they had the courage to follow the plan despite the dangers. They could have easily been attacked but they continued.
- Endurance- it may have looked like that nothing was happening as the days went on but they continued with the plan.
- Trust- they trusted God and His way.
The presence of the Ark of Covenant was a reminder to the armed men that though Jericho was a strong city, their God was with them. All they needed to do was remain focussed on the Ark of the Covenant in front of them. Father, sometimes we face challenges and they may come in different forms, may this story serve as a reminder that the God we serve is faithful and His faithfulness is our shield and rampart. Psalms 91:4
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