Saturday, April 19


For the last two weeks my students have been researching about War heroes- who they are, what they did and why we remember them. This week we looked at symbols that represent these heroes. I was fascinated by the insightful discussion and the different connections being made. We discussed how symbols represent and trigger memories and how some of these memories shape the identity of an individual.

One student brought in a certificate that belonged to his grandma who had served in the war. From that symbol, he began to share stories that was passed on to him. Another student shared that whenever he sees a roller coaster, he remembers that horrible feeling of his first ride.

At the end of our session, students reflected on what they had learned. I can still see that spark in the young boy's eyes who said ' Oh now I get it, memories are important because without them, we won't know or understand who we are.' MMmmmmm..........:)

I reflected on the discussions in class this week and thought, there are symbols all around me that represent my Lord's faithfulness, love and goodness.

The symbol of the cross speaks volume of what has been done for me and who I am now. When I see the cross, I remember the great sacrifice- the agonising pain that He endured , the tears in His eyes - because I was on His mind, the unconditional love that has been shown and is still being shown towards me and the open door back to my Father.
Because of that, my identity has been changed.

Thank you Daddy.

Sunday, April 13

Eyes of faith

'......Peter.....walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid.........' Matt.14:29-30.

When Peter initially stepped out of the boat-the wind and waves were probably high but the funny thing is, he never saw them. He was too busy looking at Jesus. His focus was on the Lord that he was oblivious to everything around him. He knew that the One calling him to come was his Lord.

A credit to Peter, he must have taken a few steps and then the unthinkable happened, he started to sink. He took into account those things happening around him. Maybe he was afraid of the howling wind, the rising waves and in his mind he must have thought ' oh no, they are going to overtake me'. Because he acknowledged what was around him, he took his focus off Jesus that's when he started to sink.

Coming to think of it, when we are believing God for something or when He tells us to do something we are so confident that we will receive it or that we will reach our destination that we step out in faith. The 'middle ground' is where alot of things happen. That's where the real test begins.

People even friends or family say things to us, we receive phone calls that are contradictory to what we are believing for and circumstances are just screaming out at us that it's not possible. I know that we can identify with how Peter was feeling then. OK, one wave that's no problem-I can still make it, another one, I'm still fine I can still see my Lord. Then the howling wind- this is too much! Doubt started to creep in.

It's in the 'middle ground' that we either sink or we swim. As Peter started to sink, he cried out, 'Lord, save me!' In our hour of desperation, rather than allowing circumstances to overwhelm us, let's just cry out to our EVER PRESENT HELPER to take over.

It's challenging to wait for something to breakthrough because the 'waves and boisterous wind' would always say otherwise. If we acknowledge them, we're defeated.
No matter what.
No matter where.
I know He is always there!
I need to use my eyes of faith to see Jesus in the middle of my storm.

Sunday, April 6

Being in God's school not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.' 1 Peter 4: 12-13

New things I've learned and refreshed with this morning.......

When Christ suffered it was 'according to the will of God'- God's point of view of suffering is so different from ours. When we try to analyse our suffering from our human perspective-negative thoughts, self pity and emotions over take us. It is only through our relationship with Jesus Christ that we can understand what God is after in His dealings with us. I know with me, it would be tears, tears and more tears. Sometimes I just don't understand at the time but then somehow the puzzle slowly begins to fit in.

It's like being in God's school where we are trained for a higher calling. Being an educator, I just thought of what makes a successful student:
-listening and obeying instructions
-for new concepts to be understood or be meaningful,they need to be revised, practised or even used
-enduring long assignments and late nights of studying, changing attitudes etc.

The difference is that; earthly school is temporal-everything about it but in God's school, the lessons being learnt are for eternity!!! We are on a journey that God knows the end to. He knows our end from our beginning just like it says in Psalms 139. Along our journey in life, we will make so many plans but it is His purpose that prevails! He knows what He has designed us for. We just need to learn to TRUST and OBEY. He will come into the scene when we stand firm.

Dear Father,
You're exalted above everything else. You are a Holy God. I come today to worship and adore You. Father, You are the all knowing God-everything about me is spread out before You because You created me and there is no place I can hide from Your Presence. Thank you for Your Word. Everytime I go through difficult, painful or heartbreaking circumstances, please teach me not to be surprised or to ask 'why me.....' but help me to ask 'what lesson do you want me Daddy to learn from this?'. Lord, in our darkest hour, it's difficult to rejoice but thank you that the more we feed on Your Word and know You-peace takes over. It's such a comforting thought to know that He who sees my tomorrows from today has a much higher plan. Thank you. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Tuesday, April 1

His way or mine

I love listening and singing along to songs as I drive from point A to point B. Yesterday, as I was driving to my specialist appointment (which is about 40 minutes from home), I was listening to the Hillsong 'Mighty to Save' album and the song 'At the Cross' really captured my heart. I had listened to this song before but it was different this time round. The part that spoke to my heart was;.........'You tore the veil, You made a way when You said that IT IS DONE.'

I just thought, YES it's done. He has done and provided everything for us. He has bridged that gap between the Father and us. It was like seeing an enormous curtain from heaven down to earth being parted. Standing at the enterance and looking beyond, I see bright light and new, fresh things. I just want to soak in the beauty of all that is around me.

God has got so-o-o much patience with us. He must be waiting for us to wake up and realise that it's all there. The power that is mine, the freedom that is mine, the healing that is mine and so much more. He has already provided a way so why don't we just enter in and take what He has to offer. Oh what powerful words -'IT IS DONE'. I need to remember that!

My Lord,
Thank you for all that You've done and still continue to do in my life. May I direct all my energy today towards achieving everything my election as a child of God provides. In Jesus name. Amen.