Sunday, April 19

How well do you know Him?

This morning I am reminded of the conversation that Moses had with God. Exodus 33:15 "Then he said to Him, "If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here." 

In chapter 32, God refused to accompany His disobedient people because they broke their covenant and built a golden calf. This resulted in 3000 of their sons and brothers being killed then in desperation Moses tried to make atonement for the nation’s idolatry.

In chapter 33, the people repented of their unbelief and Moses went on his face before the Lord to plead for forgiveness and prayed that the Lord would still accompany them and that His presence would continue with them.

I could imagine Moses thinking ‘no way am I going anywhere without my God. He has done so much for me and for us, how can I take a step without Him!’

Moses knew His God, he knew God’s power, His love, His faithfulness and His goodness that he couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from Him. In verse 15, he pleads with God, …..’if Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.” Moses knew that he was nothing or they were nothing without God. His experiences and His knowledge of God led to his desperate plea.

There are so many lessons that can be learned here but my take away this morning is despite all that is happening around me, I need to dig deeper into His Word to know Him, to know His grace, His faithfulness and His goodness.

Lord Your presence is what I desire. May it go before me and with me everywhere I go.