Tuesday, September 29

Three Things In LIfe

This caught my attention this morning as I was going through my mail.

'Three Things in Life...
Three things in life that, once gone, never come back:
1.Time 2.Words 3.Opportunity

Three things in life that can destroy a person:
1. Anger 2.Pride 3.Unforgiveness

Three things in life that you should never lose:
1.Hope 2.Peace 3.Honesty

Three things in life that are most valuable:
1.Love 2.Family and Friends 3.Kindness

Three things in life that are never certain:
1.Fortune 2.Success 3.Dreams

Three things that make a person:
1.Commitment 2.Sincerity 3.Hard work

Three things that are truly constant:
1.Father 2.Son 3.Holy Spirit

I ask the Lord to bless you, as I pray for you today; to guide you and protect you, as you go along your way. God's love is always with you, God's promises are true. And when you give God all your cares, you know God will see you through.'
by Douglas Roman

Thursday, September 24

Abiding Presence

I love the holidays because it gives me a chance to s-l-o-w down, apply the brakes on the usual 8 to 4 routine and catch up with friends and family and most importantly more time reading the Word. This morning I'm reminded about His abiding presence. Yes, His abiding presence.WOW! He is far closer than the clothes I have on. The song by Michael W Smith comes to mind...He is the air that I breathe.....

Dear Lord,
Draw me closer to You each day and help me feel the warmth of Your embrace. Whatever I do today, may I perform it with an awareness of Your presence. Amen