Monday, March 28

Your Measure of Faith

Romans 12:3

3God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. 

I've read this verse so many times but this morning I loved how Pastor Joseph Prince compared it to using your muscles.

'Faith is like muscles. We are all born with a measure of muscles. But some of us develop our muscles better than others. Bodybuilders, for example, exercise their muscles very regularly to make them grow bigger and stronger.'

 The measure of faith we each receive, grows when we feed it and use it. How do I feed my faith? By hearing or reading the Word of God. When we speak or confess the Word of God and expect good things to happen, we are using it. The more we use it , the more our faith grows.

I am challenged this morning with the questions...What are you doing with your measure of faith? Are you feeding it daily? Is it being used?

As I use my faith, speaking it, confessing it and TOTALLY believing in God's Word, I draw on the inexhaustible power of a mighty, faithful and loving God! 

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