Saturday, October 18

Our God is a Covenant God - Part 2

What I've learnt
To have a clear understanding of this powerful covenant, I need to understand fully the type of covenant God has made with us and what it means to enter into a covenant.

A step back in history
It has been interesting going back in history to understand the significance of entering into a blood covenant.
The rites of blood covenanting was and is still being practised in some parts of the world. In Syria for example, when two men enter this covenant, their relatives and neighbours are called to witness the sealing of this blood-covenant relationship, write down their declarations regarding the covenant in paper for each of them. This declaration is signed by both of the men and several witnesses.
One of the men entering into the covenant takes a sharp lancet and opens the vein in the other's arm. Into this opening, he inserts a quill through which he sucks the blood of his friend. The blade is then carefully wiped on one of the covenant papers. The other friend does exactly the same thing.
The two friends take an oath before all witnesses: 'We are brothers in a covenant made before God;who deceiveth the other,him will God deceive.' Each blood stained covenant record is folded and placed in a small case, about an inch square, that is worn around the neck or bound upon the arm as a token of their covenant relationship.
Now in the Bible days,blood covenanting was also practiced between two families or two tribes. A family that was weak in a particular area and strong in a another, would enter into a blood covenant with a family that possessed strengths they lacked. Terms of conditions were discussed, covenant representatives were chosen and a site was chosen where the families could witness the sealing of the covenant.
The covenant cut was made down the spine of the animal selected as the blood sacrifice. The two halves were set opposite each other, creating a walkway of blood between the two halves.
The two representatives,in full view of the two families, took off their coats and exchanged them. Their coats represented their authority and stood for who they were. With this exchange of coats each rep. was saying, 'Iam giving you all that I am and my authority.' then, each representative took off his weapon belt and they exchanged weapons. As each one did this he was saying, 'Iam giving you my strength. Your enemies are mine. I will stand with you, even unto death.'
Then each rep. walked through the path of blood twice and stopping in the middle together and saying out loud 'Even as this animal has died, I will stand with you even in the midst of death.'

The Tie Between Covenant Friends Is stronger Than That of Natural Birth.
Following this swearing or taking an oath to keep the terms of the covenant, the covenant cut was made in the wrist of each rep. The two wrists were joined with a cord so their blood would be mingled. Their arms were raised so all could see the blood running down their arms. Then they would make promises to one another.
At this point of the ceremony, each family took on the other's name saying....'Your family is now my family. Your ways are my ways. My strengths are your strengths.'
After the covenant has been sealed with blood, the families share a meal together. They shared bread and wine.
This type of blood-covenant relationship was deeper and meant more than being born of the same mother! It was to last for eight generations.
This was the type of covenant that bound David and Jonathan together....1 Samuel 18:1-4 and 1 Samuel 20:13-17).

So what is a covenant?
The Greek word for covenant means 'a contract; a will.' Our covenant with God is the 'title deed' to our inheritance. It is a contract....a legal binding agreement...between us and God.

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