Saturday, November 8

Our God is a Covenant God - Part 4

What is the sign of the covenant relationship with God?
This was to be the sign identifying those who had entered into a blood-covenant relationship.

Abraham's righteousness was by faith not in the outward circumcision of his flesh. Through faith, Abraham entred into a covenant relationship with God. His faith in God's promises resulted in obedience to the conditions of the covenant.

I am's fascinating to make connections in the Word of God :)

Under the new covenant God still requires circumcision. With us it's the circumcision of the heart! Read Romans 2:28-29 then Colosians 2:11-12. As we come to Christ by faith our hearts are circumcised. God writes His statutes and commandments upon our hearts and places a desire and a will within us to know, to love and to obey Him. Our flesh.......our carnal crucified. We are cleansed, our sins forgiven and we are righteous before God.

No spiritual circumcision of the heart-No covenant relationship with God! 'It is through faith in the Spirit of God working within us that our hearts are circumcised, not through our own attempts of trying to crucify our flesh. Our righteousness is by faith, not in works.
Our dependence must not be upon ourselves.....but upon the Spirit God has placed within us to accomplish His righteouness in us'.

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