Sunday, March 23

In pursuit of Him

After reading 'Prayers of a God Chaser' by Tommy Tenney, I became more determined in my desire to pursue His presence. Here are some of my favourite quotes from this book.
'Intimacy with God produces union with His will and purpose. Passionate pursuit produces divine pregnancy in our hearts and supernatural fruit in our lives. Doubt has no place.'
'The more you seek His face, worship His glory, and pray at His feet, the taller you will stand when the time comes to 'stand up and be counted.'
'The only way to capture the fiery passion of God's heart is to draw near His heart so he can impart His Desires to us. Once we receive them, we can speak into the earth with authority.'

'You must invest time with God to experience intimacy with Him.'

Lord fill my heart with passion from Your heart!

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